Big Brother Awards
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Date: 1999-10-21

UK: Menschenjagd im Internet

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Bilder von Demonstranten zur Identifikation und Fahndung im Netz -
auf der Site der Stadtverwaltung....
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Internet search for City rioters

Fourteen people were injured in the riots

Photographs of women taken during the City of London riots are
among several posted on the internet by police who still hope to
identify those involved.

The images were taken from footage of the violence on 18 June in
which 28 police officers and 14 members of the public were injured.

The violence in the Square Mile was the worst seen in London since
the Trafalgar Square poll tax riots nine years ago.

Seventy pictures of rioters, mostly male but all "connected to serious
offences" have been released.

The protest, dubbed Carnival Against Capitalism, was publicised on
the Internet and police now hope to catch the organisers by using
their own website -

Full Story
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Nennen Sie die schlimmsten Abhörer, Tracker, Spitzelfirmen, Dataminer beim
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Bis 19.10., Party am 26.10.
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-10-21
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