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Date: 2000-05-08

Europol-Dokument Volltext Online

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Nach allerhand Recherchen haben wir uns entschlossen, ein
Dokument zu publizieren, das wirklich echt sein dürfte - es
gab zumindest kein Indiz, dass gegen die Echtheit spricht.
Wenn dem so ist, dann haben mindestens vier namentlich
bekannte Beamte der EU-Kommission bei einem Treffen der
Gruppe "Polizeiliche Zusammenarbeit" nicht nur versichert,
die Kommission stehe nach wie vor den Abhörplänen der
Polizei positiv gegenüber.

Diese Vertreter eines Europa, wie es nicht werden soll,
haben den versammelten Polizeidelegationen auch noch
geraten, mit Hilfe einer "Kinderporno"-Argumentation
Abhörbefugnisse durchzudrücken.

Der entsprechende Ausschnitt ist unten in der Mail angefügt.

Andy Müller-Maguhn vom CCC meint, das müßte mehr als
Grund genug sein, die Entlassung dieser Eurokraten aus
dem EU-Dienst hier und jetzt zu fordern: Schließlich werden
sie nicht dafür bezahlt, Spin-doctoring für die Abhörpläne der
gesetzlich ermächtigten Behörden zu betreiben.

Die Police Cooperation Working Group ist jene, die ihre
offiziellen Dokumente mit dem Kürzel ENFOPOL versieht.

das Dokument

Der Mirror auf John Youngs cryptome

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special tnx an Bo Elkjaer & Harald W
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From: <> To: John Young
Subject: Nice doc 4 cryptome Date sent: Mon, 8 May
2000 12:39:55 +0200

Dear John, As far as we could check it out - this doc is
authentic. If u could mirror it we would be grateful. Look at
this truly scandalous passage excerpted below - we will
demand that those EU commission officials who offer so
generous spin doctoring tips 4 law enforcement should be
dismissed from office

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C. Police Co-operation Working Group (technical and
scientific police matters) C1 - Interception of
telecommunications. The Presidency provided information on
the state of play. It noted 4 main points. 1- As far as user
requirements are concerned the PCWG could not proceed
further. The Finnish Presidency regretted that it would not
have time during its mandate to follow this matter. 2- In
previous meetings it had been discussed that it could be
sensible to get some political support from upper instances
in the Council for this matter to go forward. The Presidency
reported that the chairman of CATS said that "although that
was not a very simple question, efforts will be made in that
direction". Moreover, the Presidency noted that the Mutual
Legal Assistance Group was achieving results on this issue.
3- It recalled the negative press that this issue has received
in the media and wondered whether the MS should react to
it. It suggested to prepare a press release setting out in clear
terms the position of the Council as regards the discussions
on interception of telecommunications. 4- Finally, it has
emerged that it might be useful to inform the EP on how this
issue had been evolving. Against this background, the
Presidency thus recognised that progress in this matter is
being very slow. The Group had a lively discussion on the
basis of the points presented by the Presidency. Several
delegations expressed some caution as regards the
preparation of a press release, noting that this could provoke
a chain reaction and further negative press in the media. The
Commission, whilst noting that its position has not changed,
informed delegations that a possible way to break the
deadlock could be following a similar strategy as that
followed in tackling the issue of Child Pornography in the
Internet. Although acknowledging that this was a different
topic it also has an interception dimension. The Commission
invited delegations to study the conclusions of the Vienna
Conference The Presidency concluded saying that it would
come back to the matter of interception at the next meeting.

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Upmost document
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edited by Harkank
published on: 2000-05-08
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