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Date: 2000-01-29

Ein [Double]Click beendet Privatsphaere

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q/depesche 00.01.29/1

Ein [Double]Click beendet die Privatsphäre

Online-Werber Doubleclick kann Websurfer mit Namen und
Adresse identifizieren, nachdem die Firma mit dem Erwerb des
Direkt-Markting-Spezialisten Abacus über eine der größten
Verbraucherdatenbanken der USA verfügt.

Die Einträge der Abacus-Datenbank, die 90% der
US-Bevölkerung enthalten, können via Cookie-Technologie
mit den Besuchsgewohnheiten der Websurfer abgeglichen

Was Doubleclick mit "personalisierter Werbung" bezeichnet,
bedeutet für Verbraucherorganisationen eine beispiellose
"Invasion der Privatsphäre":

Grund genug für die Californierin Harriett Judnick, gegen
Doubleclick eine Klage wegen Verletzung der Privatsphäre

Doubleclick hat gegenwärtig 11.500 Websites unter Vertrag.

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Web users have lost privacy with the drop of a cookie, they say

DoubleClick Inc., the Internet's largest advertising company, has
begun tracking Web users by name and address as they move
from one Web site to the next, has learned.

The practice, known as profiling, gives marketers the ability to
know the household, and in many cases the precise identity, of the
person visiting any one of the 11,500 sites that use DoubleClick's
ad-tracking "cookies."

What made such profiling possible was DoubleClick's purchase in
June of Abacus Direct Corp., a direct-marketing services company
that maintains a database of names, addresses, telephone
numbers and retail purchasing habits of 90% of American

With the help of its online partners, DoubleClick can now correlate
the Abacus database of names with people's Internet activities.

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A California woman filed suit Thursday against DoubleClick Inc.
accusing the Internet advertising company of unlawfully obtaining
and selling consumers' private personal information, lawyers for the
woman said.


The lawsuit, Judnick v. DoubleClick Inc., accuses New York -based
DoubleClick of using computer technology to identify Internet
users, track and record their Internet use and the Internet Web
sites they visit, and obtain confidential and personal information
about them without their consent.

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edited by Harkank
published on: 2000-01-29
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