
q/depesche | /kampaigns

  • Notice to new subscribers
    Dear new subscribers and new readers of q/depesche - especially to those who might have second thoughts on their own privacy concerning media reports on so called "NSA-hacks" and biometrics. This is all somewhat overestimated as the whole effort is under control of European data protection laws. There will be no matching of list member's personal data e.g. with commercial databases containing personal data [physical adresses, social security numbers etc.] as we have been asked for a while. Real Names are omitted, with a few exceptions of persons worth of public interest.
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    Dr.h.c. Richard Stallman live in Wien, dem Begründer der GPL und des Free-Software-Movements Wie OpenStreetMaps die Welt abbildet und was ein erfolgreiches Crowdsourcing Projekt ausmacht.