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IT and telco surveillance equipment - data sheets and presentations
A collection of network monitoring and datamining suites made by Nokia Siemens, Ericsson, Verint and others. All systems are compliant to ETSI and CALEA "lawful interception" standards, the vendors themselves are involved in the standardization. While the official name of the game is still "lawful interception" the newer suites also perform "high speed government surveillance". From Iran to China they are ab/used to track down the democratic opposition, dissidents, ethnic and religious minorities. The vendors are mostly European and US companies. URL of this page http://quintessenz.org/it_and_telco_surveillance_equipment
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- 2011_11_24,BMI_bericht_PATRAS_systeme.pdf
- 2008_06_25 AG-LI Protokoll
- 2007_02_01,thales_ip_trapper.pdf
- The surveillance Olympics, Beijing 2008, powered by European technology
- 2007 Siemens Intelligence Platform
- 1999 Siemens Monitor Center
- 2000 Siemens Monitoring Center Version2
- Siemens Monitor center, Late 90ies
- 2006_03_15, EU data retention directive official EN/DE
- Force10 Networks 10 Gigabit Packet Filtering
- Ericsson IMS R 6.6 PPT-presentation 3
- Ericsson IMS R 6.6 PPT-presentation 2
- Ericsson IMS R 6.6 PPT-presentation 1
- Ericsson Interception Management System, User Manual [2001]
- Verint - STAR-GATE IP Interception
- Verint - Reliant Monitoring Center for Network Surveillance
- Verint - STAR-GATE, Interception of Packet Data
- Verint - STAR-GATE interception system, product description
- Verint - STAR-GATE, Interception of Cable Data
- Verint - A Surveillance Company in Overview